One of the most lauded revivalists of American classical architecture is a South African. Allan Greenberg, principal of Allan Greenberg Architect and Allen Greenberg Interiors, grew up in Johannesburg. “I’ve always loved American architecture,” he explains.
“This includes simple farmhouses and austere Shaker buildings; the Shingle Style homes of Stanford White and John Calvin Stevens; and the 20th century homes of John Russell Pope, Charles Platt and David Adler. The approach to architecture embodied in these houses encompasses landscaping, exterior design, room interiors and furnishings.” Although his clients tend to come to him for the traditional, a Greenberg house is also about progression. “It is essential to recognize that neither new nor old is always best,” the architect says. “We use tried and tested technologies. And I believe that classical architecture, by its very nature, is green.”
Allan Greenberg